Annual Report
As we shape our future and forge our way ahead, we are reminded to occasionally look back. Every year, we publish a report on all aspects of our school, from the finances and capital resources that sustain the business, to a summary of student achievement. It tells the story of our school and helps us, as a learning institution, track how well we are living our Mission, Vision, and Values.
Please enjoy this school year in review and celebration of our students, parents, faculty and staff, alumni, and friends who continue to make AIS Vienna a truly remarkable community.
School Stories
Last Friday, February 28, our Grade 2 students went on a field trip to the University of Vienna Chemistry Lab.
Congratulations to our brilliant AISV mathematicians for their outstanding performance during the Senior Mathematics Competition!
We are thrilled to announce that AIS Vienna is one of the first two international schools in the world – and the first in Europe – to receive the prestigious Quality Program Assessment (QPA) Award.
We warmly welcome our students back to school and hope everyone enjoyed the February Break!
As we reflect on our multicultural community and our role in the world, we celebrate and honor Black History Month all throughout February.
On February 7, the Middle School Model UN class had the privilege of hosting the Deputy Ambassador of Lebanon to the UN and Human Rights Expert, Mr. Bachir Azzam.
Congratulations to our MS math team on their success in Helsinki for the CEESA MS Mathcounts Competition from February 6-8.
Congratulations to our AISV Robotics Team for participating in the 2025 CEESA High School Robotics Tournament in Budapest, Hungary on February 7 and 8.
Congratulations to our wonderful AISV High School junior math teams for participating in the ISMTF Junior Mathematics Competition in Zurich, February 8 to 9.