Student Life
At AIS Vienna, we believe that a dynamic athletics program is essential to the education and character development of our students. Our Athletics Department is dedicated to providing the best possible learning environment for the physical, cognitive, and social development of our student-athletes. What AIS Vienna students learn from their participation in competitive athletics provides them with transferable skills for the classroom, athletics, and for life after AISV.
Coaches are encouraged to be as inclusive as possible without compromising the program. It is important to remember that this is a competitive program; placement on a team cannot be guaranteed.
AIS Vienna competes in two international conferences; the International Schools Sports Tournaments (ISST) and the Danube Valley Athletic Conference (DVAC).
Educational Athletics
Educational Athletics is the idea that athletic competition is an extension of the classroom and an educational activity in itself that provides outstanding opportunities to teach life lessons.
The year is divided into three athletic seasons. A student may participate in one sport per season.
HS/MS Soccer (Boys & Girls)
HS/MS Cross Country (Coed)
HS Volleyball (Boys & Girls)
MS Tennis (Coed)WINTER
HS/MS Basketball (Boys & Girls)
HS/MS Swimming (Coed)SPRING
HS/MS Track and Field (Coed)
HS/MS Girls Softball
HS Boys Baseball
HS Tennis (Coed)
MS Volleyball (Boys & Girls)Specific Teams
Each season we will have at least one team at each of the above levels and genders. However, depending on the amount of students who try out it is common to have 2 or even 3 teams in any sport or gender. In the high school the teams are called Varsity and Junior Varsity. In the Middle School the teams are called "A", "B" and "C" teams.
Yes, there are tryouts for each team and we do cut.
The first week of each season is our try out week and each team will have 2 or 3 try out days.
If a student is not sure which sport they would like to play they can attend a tryout of two different sports. They should go to the sport they are most interested in first. At the end of that tryout the student must tell the coach that they are going to another sports tryout the next day.
At the end of the last tryout the coaches will announce which students are on which team or if they made a team at all.
Tryouts are a nerve-wracking, gut-wrenching, anxiety-provoking gauntlet that almost every athlete, across every sport, at every playing level must successfully navigate through before they can see that dream of theirs turn into a reality.
To read about how, when and why we cut please go to our "why we do what we do page" HERE
There are no specific sport physicals required at AIS Vienna.
However, all students are required to submit and updated medical history and physical exam before they resume school as a Grade 6 or Grade 9 student as well as all new students. Those who have not submitted the medical updates will not be permitted to practice or participate on sports teams.
For more information please see our Family Handbook located in the Parent Portal or contact our School Nurse.
There are no costs to be on a team only when you travel.
For travel by road, rail or air to competitions outside of Vienna each student will pay 120% of the cost. (The extra 20% is used to help defray the trip expenses of coaches and chaperones.) At the start of the season students will be made aware of their travel commitments. If a student cannot travel he/she must note this on the contract. Parents will receive an invoice from the school via email for trips and/or tracksuits after the trip has taken place.