Winter Athletic Season Wrap-up

Congratulations to all of our student athletes and coaches who represented AIS Vienna so well the past two weekends at their end-of-season ISST and DVAC events. Our teams traveled to locations all across Europe and the UK. We were also fortunate to host the ISST MS Girls Basketball Tournament (March 6 - 8) here on campus.

In ISST action, our top-performing teams were the Varsity Boys and MS Girls A Basketball teams, both finishing in 2nd place after hard-fought finals. The Varsity Girls, JV Boys, and MS Boys A Basketball teams each secured 5th place.

In the pool, our Swim Team placed 7th overall, with MS Girls in 7th, MS Boys in 4th, HS Girls in 8th, and the HS Boys in 7th. Special congratulations to our six individual medal winners.

In DVAC competition, our MS Boys A Basketball Team finished 3rd and MS Boys B Basketball Team finished 2nd, while our JV Boys, Varsity Boys, and MS Girls B Basketball teams emerged as champions, winning their tournaments.

Thank you to all coaches and chaperones, and most importantly, congratulations once again to all of our student athletes on completing a successful fall season!

At AIS Vienna, we believe that a dynamic athletics program is essential to the education and character development of our students.

Learn more about Athletics at AIS Vienna.


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