Middle School
The Middle School years are a time of significant physical, emotional, and social changes for young adolescents.
The Middle School program includes Grades 6, 7, and 8, and is designed to help students be successful through this period of adjustment and transition. Our veteran faculty is organized in teams and class sizes are small enough so that students are able to receive individualized attention.
Middle School is a time for students to explore their interests and develop their talents. It is a time when they are discovering who they are and who they want to be. Our academic program allows for students to make choices about what electives they want to study. Our co-curricular program is inclusive and designed to stretch student interests and support risk-taking.
Parents are frequently contacted with updates on their child's progress. Report cards are issued each trimester, with parents and students able to monitor progress through the online grade book. Parent-teacher conferences are scheduled for October, with student-led conferences taking place in early June. Parents are encouraged to keep in close touch with teachers via email, telephone calls, or personal contact. Teachers meet frequently to discuss the needs of individual students, as well as to plan course content so that the curriculum is accessible for each student and the transitions are as smooth as possible.
We are partners with our parents and welcome enquiries about any and all aspects of Middle School life here at AIS Vienna.
Lauren Mehrbach
Middle School Principal
Our Middle School program is based on the American system, but with an international flavor.
Core subjects include Language Arts, Transition Mathematics and Algebra, Humanities, Social Studies, Science, and Modern Languages including German, Spanish, and French. We have strong programs in the arts and music, computing, and health and physical education. English as an Additional Language is offered for students whose native language is not English. Most students in the Middle School take German every year, from beginner to native speaker levels.
Co-curricular activities include interscholastic soccer, basketball, track and field, volleyball, cross-country, and softball. Students are also encouraged to join in the play, student council, chorus, band, and, strings. Exploratory courses in computing, sports, dance, knowledge bowl, art, badminton, and sewing are also offered.
A typical student takes English, Science, Math, Social Studies, Physical Education, German, and a "Wheel" of nine-week exploratory courses such as health, computing, music, drama, and art. The exact course titles vary from grade to grade. French and Spanish are available for students in grades 7 and 8. Classes meet on alternate days for 75 minutes.