Technology Vision
American International School Vienna students are empowered responsible digital citizens who thrive in a rapidly transforming technological world. Our students think creatively and critically; construct knowledge and design solutions; communicate and collaborate effectively; and engage responsibly with technology as respectful future-minded members of the global community.
Technology Philosophy
We believe technology and innovative practice stimulates curiosity and creativity, inspires the joy of discovered passions, and provides students with the tools and skills to confidently meet future challenges. Technology is fundamental in providing equal access to learning for all students.
Technology Standards
The American International School Vienna believes that the following student standards will guide us in realising our technology vision: (ISTE Standards for Students)
Empowered Learner: Students leverage technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving, and demonstrating competency in their learning goals, informed by the learning sciences.
Digital Citizen: Students recognise the rights, responsibilities, and opportunities of living, learning, and working in an interconnected digital world, and they act and model in ways that are safe, legal, and ethical.
Knowledge Constructor: Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts, and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others.
Innovative Designer: Students use a variety of technologies within a design process to identify and solve problems by creating new, useful, or imaginative solutions.
Computational Thinker: Students develop and employ strategies for understanding and solving problems in ways that leverage the power of technological methods to develop and test solutions.
Creative Communicator: Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats, and digital media appropriate to their goals.
Global Communicator: Students use digital tools to broaden their perspectives and enrich their learning by collaborating with others and working effectively in teams locally and globally.
1:1 Device Program
AIS Vienna is a 1:1 Apple school. Our school provides each learner with one Apple device while they are a student at our school. These devices are on a replacement cycle and are replaced by the school at regular intervals. More information about student responsibilities related to the care and maintenance of these devices can be found in the respective Student Technology Responsible Use Agreement.
Elementary School:
All students are provided an Apple iPad while in the elementary school;
Students in grades 3-5 also receive a keyboard case with the device;
All ES iPads remain on campus and do not go home with the student unless approved by the teacher;
The Student Device Agreement is completed by all students in grades 3-5.
Middle and High School:
All students are provided an Apple MacBook Air while in the middle/high school;
Students are responsible for charging their device at home each night and bringing it with them to school each day;
The Student Device Agreement is completed by all students in MS/HS.
Divisional Technology
Students in our Elementary School use technology to create engaging projects while gaining 21st-century skills. Working collaboratively with the technology Integrators, teachers plan a variety of learning activities that incorporate the ISTE Student Standards.
The Elementary School is equipped with:
1 iPad for each child that remains in the classroom
In addition, each classroom has an interactive SMARTboard.
The school has high-speed, wireless internet access throughout campus
We have over 100 online learning subscriptions including the Google Workspace for Education Suite, SeeSaw as our ES LMS, Veracross as our SIS and so many more engaging learning platforms.
As part of our 1:1 laptop program, students use their school issued laptop for research, collaboration, and communication.
AIS Vienna has over 100 online learning subscriptions. Schoology is our Learning Management System in the Middle School. Every class that students are enrolled in has an associated Schoology course where students can access learning resources, submit assignments, and review their grades. Additionally, AIS Vienna is a Google Workspace for Education school and all learners have an @ais.at account created for them to use while a member of our community. The MS/HS Technology Integrator supports teachers and students with planning and implementing projects.
The 1:1 laptop program is an integral part of the high school program. Students use their device to research information, analyze data, communicate and collaborate on assignments.
AIS Vienna has subscriptions to over 100 online learning platforms. Schoology is our Learning Management System in the High School. Every class that students are scheduled in has an associated Schoology course where students can access learning resources and submit assignments. Additionally, AIS Vienna is a Google Workspace for Education school and all learners have an @ais.at account created for them to use while a member of our community. The MS/HS Technology Integrator supports the teachers and the students with planning and implementing projects.
Technology Course Offerings
Students have access to technology focused courses in the Middle School. Trimester long courses students can choose from include:
Tech 6 - Tech 6 introduces students to tools and applications to complete projects or tasks on their computer. This course requires students to actively apply their learning of digital skills to help them solve real-world problems. These skills allow for easier communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking through technology, and play an important role in preparing students and learners for the jobs of today and tomorrow.
Tech Explorations 7/8 - Grade 7 & 8 Trimester elective that exposes students to varying technology resources with Google’s applied digital skills and an introduction to computer science and coding. All activities in the course focus on the 4 C's: communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking.
Design Essentials - In this course, students will learn how to view the world through special lenses commonly called "design” and how to express their ideas in words, drawings and models while using the Design Process. Furthermore, students will learn how a design community works: its behavior and potential. The course will focus on the Design Process through collaborative projects with a focus on problem solving in everyday life.
Digital Life: Film - Ever wished that you could study something that you really love but we don’t do it at school? Do you feel really passionate about a particular issue or topic? This is your opportunity to take complete control of your education and show just how much you can achieve when you are given a chance. In this elective you will be able to brainstorm and nominate an area that you would like to explore, research, design, and create a documentary film to show what you’ve learned about that topic. At the end of the project development and filming phase, we will present our projects in our own mini-film festival! This is not for the faint hearted though, and students entering this elective will need to be self-directed, motivated, and capable of being independent learners. The basics of video and film editing will be included in the course.
Additionally, all students can choose to take one of the full year Introductory Computer Science elective courses:
Computer Science Discoveries - In this yearlong elective, students will explore the following units of study: Problem-Solving & Computing, Web Development, Animations & Games using Scratch and JavaScript, and an introduction to 3D Printing. This course is designed for grade 6 and 7 students.
Computer Science Discoveries 2 - In this yearlong elective, students will explore the following units of study:The Design Process and App Development, Data & Society, Using JavaScript with Images & Video, Introduction to Python Programming & The Micro:bit, and CyberRobotics. This course is designed for grade 7 and 8 students.
Finally, digital citizenship is incorporated into all classes and taught through advisory classes.
In High School, students have the option to either join a technology exploration or, an AP Computer Science Principles class.
AP Computer Science A - The CodeHS AP Java course is a year-long course designed to help students master the basics of Java and equip them to successfully pass the AP Computer Science A Exam at the end of the school year. All learning materials and resources students need for a successful year-long AP Java course will be given through the CodeHS website.
AP Computer Science Principles - AP Computer Science Principles is the newest AP course from the College Board, and became an official AP course in the 2016/17 school year. This course introduces students to the foundational concepts of computer science and explores the impact computing and technology have on our society.
With a unique focus on creative problem solving and real-world applications, the CodeHS AP Computer Science Principles course gives students the opportunity to explore several important topics of computing using their own ideas and creativity, use the power of computing to create artifacts of personal value, and develop an interest in computer science that will foster further endeavors in the field.
Computer Science & Programming - This course is designed for second year TechEx students and/or students with a strong mathematical/ programming background. With a unique focus on creative problem solving and real-world applications, the Computer Science & Programming course gives students the opportunity to explore several important topics of computing using their own ideas and creativity, use the power of computing to create artifacts of personal value, and develop an interest in computer science that will foster further endeavors in the field. This course will be using the CodeHS Computer Science Principles curriculum, which has been pre-approved by the College Board’s AP Course Audit as meeting or exceeding the curricular expectations colleges, and universities have for this subject.
Modern Entrepreneurship - This course will provide an overview of the personal and professional skills needed to launch a sustainable business and pursue a successful career. Students will explore aspects of product design, marketing, management, finance, customer relations, and corporate responsibility. The entrepreneurial mindset of the class will encourage creativity, innovation, critical thinking, and problem solving. Product, media, and societal trends will be discussed, as well as the emerging technologies that impact the business world, affect our lives, and reveal new opportunities. This course will build a foundation of digital literacy, communication, and planning strengths that are essential for ensuring career readiness and a secure future.
Technology Explorations - In this project based class students will explore a variety of technology concepts and ideas as well as research, presentation and design skills. Topic options include programming, app development, 3D printing, animation, robotics, video production, as well as skills to help students use technology productively in their other classes.