Guest Speaker Ying Chang Compestine

The AIS Vienna librarians invited multiple award-winning author Ying Chang Compestine to our campus for a two-day special visit in tandem with her visit at VIS in September. Ms. Compestine has published over 25 books for children and young adults and her work has been translated into many languages.

During her visit, she met with students in all three divisions to discuss her life, books, and writing process. She shared stories about her own journey of becoming an author and encouraged students to pursue their own passions and dreams. The students asked thoughtful questions about her writing process, her characters, and her inspiration.

We are grateful to Ying for taking the time to visit our school and to share her love of writing with our students. You can learn more about her work at her author website.

This visit was sponsored in full by the AISV Annual Fund. We look forward to further collaborations that enrich the lives and learning experiences of our students.


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