Change the World - HS MUN in Rome
After almost four years of hiatus due to the pandemic, our HS Student Led Model United Nations Club once again organized the participation of a twelve-student team in the Change the World CWMUN Conference in Rome, Italy from February 9-11.
In recent years, the club has also organized participation in SEOMUN South Korea, FWWMUN New York, and twice in CGSMUN Athens. In Rome, our students participated in simulations of the General Assembly (GA), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
Our two delegations for the IAEA represented Iran and Italy. In the GA, we had one delegation representing Mexico. In the FAO our three delegations represented the Russian Federation, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and Morocco.
We are proud of our future leaders who contributed significantly to the smooth and productive operation of their committees. All students diligently researched their topics to prepare for the trip, participated in high level debates, and held many speeches defending their country’s positions.
In addition to participating in the MUN conference, with about 500 delegates, the students explored the historic sites of the eternal city with its numerous sculptures and fountains, went shopping, and tasted the amazing Italian cuisine.
Student-led clubs like MUN help empower students with the skills and character strengths necessary to be positively impactful global citizens who strive for personal growth and excellence in an ever-changing world.