On November 16 and 17, our Grade 5 students presented Courage!, five short one-act plays featuring performances by our Grade 4 music ensembles.
Any conversation about courage has to start with a conversation about fear. Our young Elementary School actors spent the past few months exploring what it means to show courage in the face of their fears. Sometimes courage is saving something for another day or sometimes it is thrust upon us by life or pesky woodpeckers. Courage can be determination to gain a new skill or getting back up after we’ve been knocked down. It can be finding our own way in the world…or on the dance floor.
Each student ensemble was tasked with directing their own show. At each rehearsal, they learned about various elements of stage craft and technique, and they worked on applying them to their own storytelling. The student production crew also met weekly to build sets and costumes for 5 shows.
These outstanding young actors came together to tell these stories of courage. They worked to navigate learning lines, collaborating with their ensemble, problem solving through frustrations, and taking risks with their voices and movements.
Congratulations to our young performers! Life is full of scary things, but they made it clear that life doesn’t frighten them at all.
Huge thanks go out to our awesome MS photographers who supplied many of the photos!