HS Student Led MUN Club at the United Nations in Vienna

Our High School Student-Led Model United Nations (MUN) Club successfully organized the participation of an 18-student team in the MUN Conference at the United Nations in the Vienna International Center (VIC) from January 15 to 17. In recent years, the club has also facilitated participation in conferences in Thessaloniki, Rome, South Korea, New York, and twice in Athens.

At the VIC, our students participated in simulations of several UN committees. All students diligently researched their topics to prepare for the conference, participated in high level debates, and held many speeches defending their country’s positions or chairing their committees. Our students also earned several delegate awards.

It was a memorable experience for our students, complemented by a large range of learning outcomes. A huge “ thank you” goes to the leaders of the Student Led MUN Club for training their fellow AISV delegates, and to the teacher chaperones who accompanied our students.

This is just one of the many ways the city of Vienna, a center for international diplomacy, makes up our extended campus.


CEESA High School Knowledge Bowl


Grade 1 Visits Haus des Meeres