Learning From Each Other

On December 12, Grade 3 students visited the High School to conduct math interviews. They asked about times a mathematician might want to estimate and compared strategies for solving bigger addition problems. Many 3rd graders reflected, "At first I was scared, but they were really nice so then it wasn't as scary." and "They all used the same strategy, so I got to show them a different way!”

Our enthusiastic young learners enjoyed receiving advice from our High School students who were eager to share their experiences.

As a Pre-K through Grade 12 school, it’s wonderful to see cross-divisional collaboration and how our unique learning community supports one another.

This is one of the many ways we empower our students with the skills and character strengths necessary to be positively impactful global citizens who strive for personal growth and excellence in an ever-changing world.


Grade 2 Ink Cafe


Amnesty Youth Writes for Rights