Modern Entrepreneurship Sales Pitch Event
On February 5, our HS Modern Entrepreneurship students presented their sustainable business plans for various products at their Sales Pitch Event in front of a panel of judges, consisting of AIS Vienna parents. From product design to management, finance, marketing, customer relations, and corporate responsibility our future leaders applied the lessons learned and showed their entrepreneurial mindset.
After asking any necessary clarification questions, the judges could either “buy” or “pass” on the products. The event was made even more exciting by a “Super Buy” round at the end - in which judges could elect to buy one product or service that they had not officially judged. The most important overall takeaway for students, however, was the valuable feedback that judges provided on how their designs, marketing, or deliveries could be improved. Thanks so much to our wonderful volunteer judges for the gifts of their time and talent!
Our young entrepreneurs were inspiring in the pursuit of their passions, their ability to imagine possibilities, and their business plans to make their products a reality.
Learn more about our High School.