MUN Hosts Swedish Ambassador to the OSCE

On Friday, October 6, the Middle School Model United Nations class had the honor of hosting the distinguished Swedish Ambassador to the OSCE, Anna Olsson Vrang, who is also an AISV parent. She spoke to Middle School MUN students about a pressing global issue – climate change. She shared insightful information about the actions Sweden is taking to combat climate change and emphasized the importance of collective efforts to address this critical issue. Middle schoolers gained valuable knowledge and inspiration to make a positive impact on the world.

This is one of the many ways we empower students with the skills and character strengths necessary to be positively impactful global citizens.

Special thanks to Ambassador Olsson Vrang! We love when our community members are actively involved in student learning.

Visit our Volunteer webpage to learn more about how parents give the gifts of time and talent to AIS Vienna.


Professional Collaboration Afternoon


Celebrating New Learning Spaces - Early Childhood Discovery Garden