Parent Teacher Forum
All parents, guardians, teachers and staff members at AIS Vienna are automatically members of the AISV PTF. The Parent Teacher Forum (PTF) exists to:
facilitate unity between parents, teachers and the rest of the school community, thus fostering and enriching the lives of students and their families.
support the educational environment through open communication and building a close relationship between home and school.
organize events and activities to enhance the unique family feeling and the “Spirit of the Community”.
provide a parent-teacher forum perspective to the board.
The PTF volunteers to support one another, our students, and our school in a variety of ways, including:
helping families transition to AIS Vienna and adjust to life in Vienna;
hosting various events and gatherings throughout the year to strengthen and enhance our sense of identity & community;
raising funds through events we host to reinvest into our school which benefit our children and their teachers;
hosting gatherings where all PTF members can make announcements and update one another on opportunities for our community at AISV and in Vienna;
having fun together, making new friends, working with and for our children and community.
Please feel free to contact the PtF Board at
Community Advertisements Facebook Group
Community members can make use of the AIS Vienna Community Advertisements Facebook Group for buying and selling products and services.