Grade 2 Service Learning Success!

Our Grade 2 students raised over €1200 selling bracelets for Mukwashi Trust School.

They embarked on a meaningful journey to raise funds to support important projects at Mukwashi Trust School in Zambia. Among those is the improvement of the school’s irrigation system which helps provide nutritious meals to over 500 students. To achieve this, our Grade 2 students and their teachers organized a bracelet-making fundraiser which not only aligned with their Health unit promoting healthy eating but also tied in with the UN Sustainable Goal service learning project for the 2023-2024 school year.

Our students were not only thrilled by the amount of money they were able to raise but also by the invaluable experience they gained throughout this project. Spending their free time and Social Studies blocks crafting these bracelets, they acquired essential real-world life skills. Above all, they understood the profound impact of their actions in supporting those in need.

On behalf of the Grade 2 team, we want to express our deepest appreciation to everyone involved for contributing to this enriching learning experience and making our fundraiser a resounding success!


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