Digital Wellness Consultant Visits AIS Vienna

Last week, September 25 - 27, thanks to support from the AIS Vienna Annual Fund, we had the pleasure of welcoming renowned Digital Wellness consultant, Patrick Green, to our campus. Patrick conducted a series of insightful sessions for our entire school community, focusing on the critical topic of digital citizenship and screen time.

Student Sessions: Grades 4-12
Patrick engaged students from Grade 4 through Grade 12 in comprehensive discussions about screens and social media. He provided valuable strategies to help students recognize when these tools are hindering rather than amplifying our lives.

Teacher Sessions
In addition to student sessions, Patrick held a dedicated workshop for our teachers. He emphasized the importance of integrating digital citizenship learning into the curriculum to foster responsible online behavior among students.

Parent Sessions
Patrick also reached out to our parent community through nine individual sessions. These sessions covered a range of crucial topics, including implementing parental controls on devices, launching children with their first phone, and raising digital citizens. These sessions proved incredibly relevant and necessary in today's rapidly changing digital age.

We are grateful to Patrick Green for his valuable contributions to our AISV community. His visit undoubtedly equipped us all with better tools and knowledge to promote digital wellness. More information on Patrick can be found on his website

Visit our website to learn more about how the Annual Fund allows us to make opportunities like this a reality.


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