HS Student Led MUN Club in Greece

Our HS Student Led MUN Club organized the participation of a 13-student team in the ACMUN Conference in Thessaloniki, Greece, from February 15 to 18.

In Thessaloniki, our AIS Vienna students participated in simulations of several sections of the General Assembly, GA1, GA2, GA3, GA4, and GA6, the Security Council (SC), and the C40 Cities group. Our students represented the following countries: Angola, Kenya, Ecuador, Australia, the African Union and China.

All students diligently researched their topics to prepare for the trip, participated in high level debates and held many speeches defending their country’s positions. In addition to participating in the MUN conference with about 500 delegates, the group explored the breathtaking site of the Royal Macedonian Tombs at Vergina, had a short shopping expedition, and tasted the amazing Greek cuisine with the seasonal calamari, bougatsa, spanakopita, fava, and its signature gyro.

Our students contributed significantly to the smooth and productive operation of their committees. We are very proud of our students receiving two best delegate awards, two honorable mentions awards, as well as the respect of their fellow delegates.

It was a memorable experience for our students complemented by a large range of learning outcomes. Student-led clubs like MUN help empower students with the skills and character strengths necessary to be positively impactful global citizens who strive for personal growth and excellence in an ever-changing world.

Previous club participation includes ViennaMUN, CW MUN Rome, SEOMUN South Korea, FWWMUN New York, and CGSMUN in Athens twice.


Visiting Author Ondřej Cikán Reads Love Poetry


MS Field Trip Day - February 14